arl Tanker Heating Reporter
Report cargo heating conditions online

Prevent cargo from ignition by regular monitoring of the temperature.

arl Tanker Innage Tally
Record tank innage measuring results on smartphone, as well as trim and list for net cargo calculation.

Auto-capture smartphone GPS location tag and timestamp. Sync all recordings to cloud for stakeholder visibilty and reporting.

arl Tanker Ullage Tally
Record tank ullage measuring results on smartphone, as well as trim and list for net cargo calculation.

Auto-capture smartphone GPS location tag and timestamp. Sync all recordings to cloud for stakeholder visibilty and reporting.

arl Tanker Cargo Surveyor
Survey cargo condition on smartphone onsite at yard or quay side, or onboard vessel. Record and document with photos any damages, as well as relevant environmental conditions.

Auto-capture smartphone GPS location tag and timestamp. Sync all recordings to cloud for stakeholder visibilty and reporting.

arl Drone Tank Store Tally
Drone recording of all tank farm storage tanks gauging marks at regular intervals during the day.

Auto-capture smartphone GPS location tag and timestamp. Sync all recordings to cloud for stakeholder visibilty and reporting.