arl Dry Bulk Survey
Smartphone recording conditions and damages on dry bulk cargoes. Sync to cloud.

Tired of carrying clipboard around when handling is ongoing? Office tired of retyping? Go cloud and smartphone app!

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arl Ro-Ro Tally
Record ro-ro vehicles operations on a smartphone. Sync to cloud. Done.

VIN number or other id, together with vehicle characteristics recorded on a smartphone at the ramp, or on the deck, while discharge or load operation is ongoing.

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arl Last Mile POD
Record cargo delivery on smartphone. Add photo snapshots of warehouse arrival, parking at ramp and unbroken seals.

Automatically capture GPS location tag, and timestamp. Sync to cloud for auto POD-PDF report for stakeholders.

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arl Container Gate Tally: Gate Executor
CMS Container Management System: Record containers as they pass inbound or outbound on smartphone. Point camera for auto-OCR. Make snapshot of damages. EDI to line. Done.

Record gate traffic on smartphone in the gate. On the spot. In real time. Photo condition of container. Sync to cloud. Equipment fleet operator (shipping line) is automatically updated by EDI (CODECO or X12/322). Done.

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arl Container Yard Drone Inventory
Drone Scanning of Containers on the Yard. Full Inventory with Geo Location. Just like that.

Yearly or bi-yearly inventory check. No army of people needed. No clipboards. Recording of containers on all tiers, by drone with camera OCR and GPS for geo location.

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