arl Forestry Tally
Smartphone tallying on quay, gate or yard recording paper rolls, timber and more. Sync to cloud. Confirmed handling list done!

Tired of carrying clipboard around when handling is ongoing? Office tired of retyping? Go cloud and smartphone app!

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arl Ro-Ro Tally
Record ro-ro vehicles operations on a smartphone. Sync to cloud. Done.

VIN number or other id, together with vehicle characteristics recorded on a smartphone at the ramp, or on the deck, while discharge or load operation is ongoing.

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arl Livestock Tally
Tally livestock in real time from quayside, share tally records with partners

Tally livestock in real time from quayside. Loggings sync’ed to the cloud. Tally records and live monitoring always available from the cloud.

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arl Steel Tally
Smartphone tallying:recording coils, pipes and more. Sync to cloud. Confirmed handling list done!

Tired of carrying clipboard around when handling is ongoing? Office tired of retyping? Go cloud and smartphone app!

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arl Container Quay Tally: Crane Executor
Stevedore or tallyman on-quay and onboard recording of container discharge and loading including loading slot on smartphone.

Auto-capture smartphone GPS location tag and timestamp; sync smartphone to cloud, and EDIs (EDIFACT/COARRI or X12/322) are off to the shipping line. Accurate departure BAPLIE upon loading completion.

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