arl Marine Handling Delay Logger
Log crane activities and waiting times in real-time. On a smartphone. From the quay-side or onboard.

Log Crane Activities in Real-Time. Get insight in actual net crane working hours. And reasons for stoppages. Average one minute wait for yard truck for 400 discharge containers for long crane, is several hours vessel delay sailing to next port.

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arl Reefer Onboard Monitor
record reefer containers' performance on smartphone while walking the bays..

Reefer containers temperature readings monitored from mobile app, sync'ed to the cloud, and Video Wall monitoring with alarms monitoring all live reefers onboard all vessels in fleet.

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arl Marine Timesheet
Log vessel marine arrival and departure from bridge wing or quay side on smartphone. Get insight on how time is spend before and after cargo handling.

From anchorage arrival and pilot embarking, until all fast and cargo handling commencement. Smartphone with cloud sync. Get insight, reduce delays, sail faster and reduce bunkers consumption.

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arl Marine Noon Report
Noon reports on smartphone onboard. Capture readings from engine room and deck. Sync to cloud and distribute to stakeholders by email, AND interface with existing inhouse systems.

Fleet solution. One cloud, many vessels. Configure noon report layout in cloud. Sync to all fleet smartphones.

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arl Marine Hatch Cover Survey
For port surveyors and marine inspectors: record ship survey on smartphone with photos and other data.

Hatch cover inspection result sync’ed to cloud for stakeholder visibility and reporting with photos, GPS location tag and timestamp.

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